What foods are good and bad for hamsters?

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What foods are good and bad for hamsters?

Dry food

Dry foods are an essential component of the diet. It is usually a mixture of cereal grains, sunflower seeds and flakes. Make sure these foods are sugar-free, as hamsters are prone to diabetes. This is especially true for dwarf hamsters, but golden hamsters can also suffer from it.

Avoid dry food for other rodents such as rabbits or guinea pigs, which are pure herbivores with very different needs.

Allow two to three tablespoons of dry food per animal per day. Make sure it doesn't store it in a hiding place in anticipation of bad weather. You can also feed him regular cereal grains, as long as they are not mouldy or wet.

The different types of food 4They are the main item on your hamster's menu. Always keep some in reserve as a basis for its diet. If you use the ready-made mixes found in pet stores, you are sure to provide your pet with all the nutrients it needs. Kibbles and seed mixes contain albumin, fat, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins in appropriate amounts. But remember, if you feed your pet exclusively with these mixtures, give him enough water to drink and keep them away from moisture so that they don't get too old. If you make the mix yourself, make sure you use only natural products: no roasted peanuts or cereals for your personal use, which may be sweetened or caramelized.

Dzungaria and Roborowski hamster food: The commercially available assortment of hamster cereals (seeds, nuts, flakes and pellets) is not thin enough for hamsters. It is therefore advisable to combine it in equal proportions with parakeet food. Give your animal beetles, mealworms and earthworms often (up to 50% of the animal food, alternately). You can get crickets and grasshoppers at the pet store, or offer your pet a packet of herbs with moss.

Greenery, fruits and vegetables

They allow you to easily vary the menus. They are important sources of vitamins. For greenery, it is especially in the summer months that you can easily obtain them - in your garden or during your walks. You just have to be careful about pollution. To avoid any risk, you can grow catnip yourself. You will find boxed seedlings of it in all seasons in pet shops. For fruits and vegetables, also rinse them thoroughly under cold water before feeding them to the hamster and drain them well, too much moisture can indeed trigger diarrhea! It goes without saying that you will have to peel processed fruits, such as oranges, for example.

Fresh foods are also on the menu. Don't get a heavy hand with salad, as it contains a lot of nitrates, especially lettuce. Choose varieties that contain the least amount, such as lamb's lettuce or chicory. Just one piece (no large leaves) a day. You can also give kohlrabi or broccoli in small quantities. But no head cabbage, which causes bloating, as well as beans, weights and broad beans: give only the dry ones.

Because of their acidity, citrus fruits and kiwis should be distributed with restraint. Never give lemons. As for vegetables, you can offer tomatoes (not green and seedless, which are poisonous), squash, beets, carrots, yellow peppers for example, but in limited quantities for the juiciest of them

Hamsters' favorite fruits are apples, melons, strawberries and dried bananas, among others. The dried fruits, which are sulphur-free, are used only as treats.

Finally, avoid stone fruits and exotic fruits such as papaya or pomegranate. Fruits are complementary foods that should not be given regularly. Important only serve untreated fruits and vegetables, preferably from organic farming or the family garden. If you prefer to do your own harvesting, never pick plants near a busy road where they are polluted by exhaust fumes. Only harvest plants that you are sure are not poisonous. Like other foods, fresh food should not be wet.

Live food

In the wild, hamsters feed on seeds and greenery, but also on small animals: insects, or their larvae, or even occasionally, small birds. So they are not pure vegetarians as is sometimes believed, but eclectic gourmets. You have to take this into account in the composition of their menus. Apart from mealworms, crickets or locusts can also be given. It should be noted, however, that the breeding of these last two species is not simple.

Mealworms are the larvae of the mealworm. They can be found in all well-assorted pet stores. Put them in a large jar half-filled with oatmeal and covered with a cloth and keep it at room temperature (keep away from sunlight or heat). Every two days, add a few fresh, wrung salad leaves or vegetable tops to provide the necessary vitamins. If the worms turn into cocoons and end up as tendrils, it doesn't matter - hamsters usually don't know the difference.

The hamster is not a vegetarian, it needs animal protein. These should be on its menu. Your hamster will enjoy mealworms and freeze-dried insects, such as locusts, crickets or white maggots, which are available in pet stores. You can give them by hand or with tweezers. Insects once a week is enough. Check that the hamster does not hide them, as they decompose quickly. If necessary, you can give him some fresh raw ground beef. But don't give him raw meat every day because he may become angry.


Meat: Once or twice a week, your hamster will enjoy a small piece of beef or veal, raw and fat-free. Minced meat is particularly recommended, as the animal is not likely to swallow it askew.

Dairy products: The hamster also likes cottage cheese and yoghurt (even fruit yoghurt). Give it a teaspoonful regularly.

Important :

  • Only give food from this category in small quantities that the hamster can eat right away, otherwise it will make its cage too dirty.
  • Never give food straight from the refrigerator.

Food to be gnawed on

Hamsters are rodents and they need gnawing materials to care for and wear out their teeth. Treated branches from fruit trees and some hardwood trees (hazelnut, beech) are ideal, as are hard, non-musty bread and millet stalks. You can also occasionally give him dog cookies, but without sugar he will be able to gnaw and ingest protein at the same time.

For natural tooth filing, there is nothing like nuts, hazelnuts, seeds and twigs. A pet cookie is also suitable. Put a piece of it in the cage and give it back as soon as it is finished. In pet shops, you can also find what are called "rodent stones". They provide calcium and trace elements. On the other hand, do not give too many nuts or hazelnuts which contain a lot of fat.

Hay for comfort and for the stomach

In addition to everything else, the hamster should always have a clean, dry hay ration available. This raspy food is essential because it contains fibre, which is good for digestion. In addition, your hamster likes to use hay for nest building. Important: the hay should be stored in a dry and well-ventilated place so that it does not get mouldy. Mouldy, it is toxic!

This fibrous food ensures a smooth digestion. As it contains very few calories, it can be given at will. In a rack, it will stay clean and dry. Commercially available hay balls are practical and varied. They are hung in the cage, high enough to force the animal to stretch to reach the tasty greenery. Leave some hay freely available for the animal to use for its nest or to snuggle in. You can find hay in pet stores or directly from a farmer. If you feel like making your own hay, harvest untreated wild grasses and plants such as lemon balm, clover, alfalfa, rudbeckia or dandelion. Spread the grasses and plants in the sun and turn them over regularly.

Recommended quantities

The daily ration of a golden hamster is about 15 g (2 teaspoons) of mixed seeds, two to three flour worms, fruits, vegetables or greens in fairly large quantities. Reduce these quantities by half for a dwarf hamster. After 24 hours, remove fresh food that has not been eaten from the cage.

Water to drink

Some hamsters totally disdain the water trough, their water needs are covered only by greenery and fruits or vegetables. Others show their irritation when they do not find water permanently at their disposal. In any case, you won't go wrong by putting water in the water trough. You will then see which category your hamster belongs to. Preferably use non-carbonated mineral water.

Involve your hamster in the culinary preparations. While you peel the vegetables, your hamster keeps you company and waits for something to fall for it. It could be the tops of a carrot, an overripe tomato, etc. When the hamster's cheeks are full, it is put back in its cage and disappears quickly into its pantry. One must simply make sure that the animal does not become a "garbage incinerator". Damaged parts of fruits and vegetables are just as bad for the hamster as they are for you.

Complementary food

The hamster must be able to nibble from time to time. Treats are supplementary food and must remain exceptional, do not give him some every day. Walnuts and hazelnuts are very popular; as they are very fatty, one nut per week is sufficient. Yoghurt, cottage cheese and faisselle are excellent protein foods, serve a teaspoon of them once or twice a week.

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